BSNL Karnataka STD Packs Prepaid

    91 day0Unlimited voice calls in Home LSA and National roaming excluding MTNL Delhi and Mumbai | 100 MB data | 100 SMS
    122 days0STD any net at 20paisa per Min
    233 days02000 sec Local or STD on-net Free
    262 days0Unlimited voice (local/STD) (Onnet/Off-net) in Home LSA and national roaming (excluding Delhi and Mumbai) | 100 SMS/day | 150MB 2G/3G Data
    297 days0Unlimited voice calls in Home LSA and National roaming excluding MTNL Delhi and Mumbai | 1 GB data | 300 SMS | PRBT feature unlimited song.
    4130 days0Local or STD any net at 0.8paisa per sec
    4210 days0Unlimited voice in home LSA and BSNL Roaming area only (Excluding Mumbai and Delhi) | 100 Free SMS any net | Free PRBT.
    4528 days10Unlimited Voice (Local/STD)(Onnet/Offnet) in Mumbai and Delhi Only | Applicable with PV186/485/666/429/949/999 only.
    5111 days0Unlimited voice (local/STD)(On-net/Off-net) in Home LSA and national roaming (excluding Delhi and Mumbai) | PRBT
    588 days05600 Sec Loc or STD to any network
    617 days0Unlimited voice (local/STD) (Onnet/ Off-net) in Home LSA and national roaming (excluding Delhi and Mumbai) | 100 SMS/day | 500 MB 2G/3G Data
    8484 days0STD any net at 40paisa per Min | Activation: SMS 'STV STD84' to 123
    8890 days0Local/STD any net at 0.8paisa/sec
    9926 days0Unlimited voice (local/STD) any-net in Home LSA and National Roaming (except Mumbai and Delhi) | PRBT
    10426 days0Unlimited voice calls (local/STD) Anynet in Home LSA and National roaming(except Delhi and Mumbai) | Free caller tune
    11828 days0Unlimited voice (Local/STD) (On-net/off-net) in Home LSA and National roaming in BSNL roaming area excluding Mumbai and Delhi | 1 GB 2G/3G Data | Free PRBT
    13524 days0300 min free to any network (Local/STD)
    14524 days020000 Seconds Local or STD Anynet
    15924 days022500 Seconds Local/STD Calls Anynet
    18130 days023800 Sec Local/STD Voice Calls to Any N/w
    18728 days0Unlimited Local/STD/Roaming Calls excluding Mumbai and Delhi | 3 GB/day 2G/3G Data | SMS 100 SMS/day. Caller tune (Subscription charge of Rs.30 is waived however Rs.12 is charged for song selection).
    19228 days0Unlimited calls Anynet Local/STD/Roaming except Mumbai and Delhi | 1GB/Day Data | 100SMS/day | Free caller tune
    20128 days0Free 26800 Secs to Any Network Local and STD Calls
    25828 days0Unlimited Local/STD BSNL to BSNL | 1 GB 2G/3G Data/Day | Free BSNL Tune Offer
    31990 days0Unlimited voice(local/STD) any-net in Home LSA and National Roaming (except Mumbai and Delhi)
    33345 days0Unlimited Local/STD/ Roaming On-net calls (except in Mumbai and New Delhi) | Unlimited Data (Speed reduced to 80Kbps after 5 GB/day 2G/3G) | Free Caller tune.
    33926 days0Unlimited local/STD BSNL to BSNL + Local/STD BSNL to Others: 30 minutes/day and 25P/minutes after that 30 minutes/day | Unlimited 2G/3G data (with FUP of 3 GB per day with no speed restriction and thereafter with speed restriction of 80kbps.)
    34954 days0Unlimited Local/STD/Roaming Calls excluding Mumbai and Delhi | Data 3 GB/day 2G/3G | SMS 100 SMS/day
    35960 days0Free 52000 Secs to Any Network Local and STD Calls
    39571 days0Unlimited 2G/3G Data (2 GB/Day.Speed reduced to 80kbps after 2 GB/day) | Free 3000 Minutes On-net Voice (Local/STD) + Free 1800 Minutes Off-net Voice (Local/STD).(Callcharges after free calls 20ps/Min.)
    39974 days0Unlimited voice calls in Home LSA and National Roaming including Mumbai and Delhi + Unlimited Data with speed reduced to 80kbps after 1GB/day + Free 100 SMS/days + Free PRBT with unlimited song change option.
    429180 days0PLAN_429_migration | 1GB/day 2G/3G Data for 90 days | Unlimited voice for 90 days | ALL calls (Local/STD) (On-net/Off-net) @ 50 Paisa/Minute | SMS Local: 25 Paisa/SMS, National: 35 Paisa/SMS
    44460 days0Unlimited Local/STD/Roaming On-net calls (except in Mumbai and New Delhi) | Unlimited Data (Speed reduced to 80Kbps after 6 GB/day 2G/3G Data) | Free Caller tune
    44784 days0Unlimited Voice calls to Any N/w in Local/STD/ National Roaming Except while in Mumbai and Delhi | Unlimited data ( speed restricted to 40 kbps after 3 GB data/day 2G/3G) | 100 SMS/day | caller Tune.
    44884 days0Free 1400 Mins to Any Network Local and STD Calls
    666180 days0PV-666 BSNL SIXER: Unlimited data (Speed reduced to 80 Kbps after 2GB/day) + Unlimited voice calls for 60 days. | After 60 days: ALL calls (Local/STD) (On-net/Off-net) @ 50 Paisa/Minute | SMS (while in Home & National Roaming): Local @25 Paisa/SMS, National @35 Paisa/SMS | All other charges As per Per Minute plan
    109884 days0Unlimited Data without any speed restiction | Unlimited voice calls (Home/National Roaming in BSNL Area excluding Mumbai and Delhi) |100 SMS/day + PRBT

    Disclaimer: All information available on website has been collected from the official website of RBI. Although, we have taken reasonable efforts to provide you with accurate information, but assumes no responsibility for the accuracy (or inaccuracy) of the information and would advise you to verify it from the official website of respective banks. This is not official website of any bank/RBI nor we are related with them by any manner. For any queries or concerns please Contact us